No Matches

RSA encryption, decryption, signing and verification things. More...

Data Structures

struct  pkrsrv_rsa_key_t
struct  pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t
struct  pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t


#define PKRSRV_RSA_PRIME_BITS   2048
#define PKRSRV_MPZ_ORDER   1


typedef uint8_t pkrsrv_rsa_random_seed_adds_t


uint32_t pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32 (char *str)
uint32_t pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32__n (char *data, ssize_t length)
bool pkrsrv_rsa_random_seed (unsigned char *seed, size_t size)
void pkrsrv_rsa_random_prime (mpz_t num)
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_new ()
void pkrsrv_rsa_key_free (pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *key)
pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t * pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_new ()
void pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_free (pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t *keypair)
pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_new ()
void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_key (pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t *encrypted, pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *key)
void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_data (pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t *encrypted, pkrsrv_string_t *data)
void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_free (pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t *encrypted)
pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * pkrsrv_rsa_encrypt (pkrsrv_string_t *data, pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *pubkey)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_decrypt (pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t *encrypted, pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *privkey)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_bin (pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *key)
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_bin (pkrsrv_string_t *hex)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_hex (pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *key)
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_hex (pkrsrv_string_t *hex)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_sign (pkrsrv_string_t *data, pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *privkey)
bool pkrsrv_rsa_verify (pkrsrv_string_t *data, pkrsrv_string_t *signature, pkrsrv_rsa_key_t *pubkey)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_signature_to_hex (pkrsrv_string_t *signature_bin)
pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_signature_from_hex (pkrsrv_string_t *signature_hex)

Detailed Description

RSA encryption, decryption, signing and verification things.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key

struct pkrsrv_rsa_key

RSA key object

+ Inheritance diagram for pkrsrv_rsa_key_t:

Data Fields

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t ref_counted
mpz_t e
mpz_t n
- Data Fields inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
int count
pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f
pthread_mutex_t mutex

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
#define PKRSRV_REF_COUNTED_INIT(obj, free_f)    pkrsrv_ref_counted_init(&(obj->ref_counted), (pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t) free_f);
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_init (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted, pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f)
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_use (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_leave (void **obj_vp, pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.

Field Documentation

◆ ref_counted

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t pkrsrv_rsa_key_t::ref_counted

◆ e

mpz_t pkrsrv_rsa_key_t::e

◆ n

mpz_t pkrsrv_rsa_key_t::n

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_keypair

struct pkrsrv_rsa_keypair
+ Inheritance diagram for pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t:

Data Fields

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t ref_counted
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pubkey
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * privkey
- Data Fields inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
int count
pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f
pthread_mutex_t mutex

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
#define PKRSRV_REF_COUNTED_INIT(obj, free_f)    pkrsrv_ref_counted_init(&(obj->ref_counted), (pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t) free_f);
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_init (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted, pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f)
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_use (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_leave (void **obj_vp, pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.

Field Documentation

◆ ref_counted

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t::ref_counted

◆ pubkey

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t* pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t::pubkey

◆ privkey

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t* pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t::privkey

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted

struct pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted
+ Inheritance diagram for pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t:

Data Fields

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t ref_counted
pkrsrv_string_t * data
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * key
- Data Fields inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
int count
pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f
pthread_mutex_t mutex

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
#define PKRSRV_REF_COUNTED_INIT(obj, free_f)    pkrsrv_ref_counted_init(&(obj->ref_counted), (pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t) free_f);
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pkrsrv_ref_counted_t
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_init (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted, pkrsrv_ref_free_f_t free_f)
 Initializes a reference-counted object. Should be called in the constructor of the object after the dynamic allocation.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_use (pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Increments the reference count of a reference-counted object.
void pkrsrv_ref_counted_leave (void **obj_vp, pkrsrv_ref_counted_t *ref_counted)
 Decrements the reference count of a reference-counted object.

Field Documentation

◆ ref_counted

pkrsrv_ref_counted_t pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t::ref_counted

◆ data

pkrsrv_string_t* pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t::data

◆ key

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t* pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t::key

Macro Definition Documentation




#define PKRSRV_RSA_PRIME_BITS   2048








#define PKRSRV_MPZ_ORDER   1



Typedef Documentation

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_random_seed_adds_t

Function Documentation

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32()

uint32_t pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32 ( char * str)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32__n()

uint32_t pkrsrv_rsa_hash_h32__n ( char * data,
ssize_t length )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_random_seed()

bool pkrsrv_rsa_random_seed ( unsigned char * seed,
size_t size )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_random_prime()

void pkrsrv_rsa_random_prime ( mpz_t num)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_new()

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_new ( )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_free()

void pkrsrv_rsa_key_free ( pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * key)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_new()

pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t * pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_new ( )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_free()

void pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_free ( pkrsrv_rsa_keypair_t * keypair)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_new()

pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_new ( )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_key()

void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_key ( pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * encrypted,
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * key )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_data()

void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_set_data ( pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * encrypted,
pkrsrv_string_t * data )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_free()

void pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_free ( pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * encrypted)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_encrypt()

pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * pkrsrv_rsa_encrypt ( pkrsrv_string_t * data,
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pubkey )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_decrypt()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_decrypt ( pkrsrv_rsa_encrypted_t * encrypted,
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * privkey )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_bin()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_bin ( pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * key)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_bin()

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_bin ( pkrsrv_string_t * hex)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_hex()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_to_hex ( pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * key)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_hex()

pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pkrsrv_rsa_key_from_hex ( pkrsrv_string_t * hex)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_sign()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_sign ( pkrsrv_string_t * data,
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * privkey )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_verify()

bool pkrsrv_rsa_verify ( pkrsrv_string_t * data,
pkrsrv_string_t * signature,
pkrsrv_rsa_key_t * pubkey )

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_signature_to_hex()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_signature_to_hex ( pkrsrv_string_t * signature_bin)

◆ pkrsrv_rsa_signature_from_hex()

pkrsrv_string_t * pkrsrv_rsa_signature_from_hex ( pkrsrv_string_t * signature_hex)